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Namespace Jelo.DD

Provides drag and drop functionality. Not 100% complete.
Defined in: Jelo.DD.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Turns on drag-drop support.
Turns on drag-drop support.
Jelo.DD.setDraggy(element, bool, handle, fn)
Starts or stops listening for drag events on a given element.
Jelo.DD.setDroppy(element, bool, handle, fn)
Starts or stops listening for drop events on a given element.
Sets how far an element must be dragged before it "counts" as a drag.
Namespace Detail
Method Detail
<static> {Boolean} Jelo.DD.isDraggy(element)
{HTMLElement} element
The item to investigate.
{Boolean} True if element will respond to drag events.

<static> {Boolean} Jelo.DD.isDroppy(element)
{HTMLElement} element
The item to investigate.
{Boolean} True if element will respond to drop events.

Turns on drag-drop support. Elements retain any registered drag handlers while drag-drop support is off, but no such events are triggered.

<static> Jelo.DD.on()
Turns on drag-drop support.

<static> Jelo.DD.setDraggy(element, bool, handle, fn)
Starts or stops listening for drag events on a given element.
{HTMLElement} element
The item to affect.
{Boolean} bool Optional, Default: true
True to start listening for drag events, false to stop.
{HTMLElement} handle Optional, Default: element
The area that, when dragged, will move the element. Defaults to the whole element itself.
{Function} fn Optional
Method to invoke when the element is dropped. The execution context ("this") will be the element itself, and the argument passed will be the handle object.

<static> Jelo.DD.setDroppy(element, bool, handle, fn)
Starts or stops listening for drop events on a given element.
{HTMLElement} element
The item to affect.
{Boolean} bool Optional, Default: true
True to start listening for drop events, false to stop.
{HTMLElement} handle Optional, Default: element
The area that, when dropped upon, will register the event. Defaults to the whole element itself.
{Function} fn Optional
Method to invoke when something is dropped on this element. The execution context ("this") will be the drop zone element itself, and the arguments passed will be the dropped element and the drop zone's handle, respectively.

<static> Jelo.DD.setMinimumDrag(n)
Sets how far an element must be dragged before it "counts" as a drag.
{Number} n
How many pixels an element must be dragged before it "counts" as a drag.

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