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Namespace Jelo.Anim

Animation support.
Defined in: Jelo.Anim.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Easing functions.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Animate a CSS property of a given element.
Changes the default animation duration, used whenever the duration property is not explicitly set.
Immediately halts and cancels all pending animations.
Namespace Detail
Field Detail
<static> {Object} Jelo.Anim.Easing
Easing functions.
Method Detail
<static> Jelo.Anim.ate(config)
Animate a CSS property of a given element.
{Object} config
A configuration object.
Object to animate, or a CSS selector for which the first matching element will be used.
{String} config.css
Property to animate.
{String|Number} config.from Optional
Starting value for the animation.
{String|Number} Ending value for the animation
{Function} config.before Optional
Method to invoke immediately before the animation starts.
{Function} config.after Optional
Method to invoke immediately after the animation finishes.
{Number} config.duration Optional, Default: 0.5
How many seconds the animation should last.
{Function|String} config.easing Optional, Default: "linear"
How to calculate property values. If a string is supplied, it must match a Jelo.Anim.Easing property name (case insensitive).

<static> {Boolean} Jelo.Anim.ating()
{Boolean} True if there are currently animations in the queue.

<static> Jelo.Anim.setDefaultDuration(Seconds,)
Changes the default animation duration, used whenever the duration property is not explicitly set.
{Number} Seconds,
as a whole or decimal number.

<static> Jelo.Anim.stopAll()
Immediately halts and cancels all pending animations. References are not stored, the animations are gone.

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