1 /**
  2  * @namespace Formatting and conversion utilities.
  3  */
  4 Jelo.Format = function() {
  5     /** @scope Jelo.Format */
  6     return {
  7         /**
  8          * Converts a string from CSS hyphenated to Javascript camelCase.
  9          * 
 10          * <pre><code>
 11         // example:
 12         var property = Jelo.Format.toCamel("margin-left");
 13         alert(property); // alerts "marginLeft"
 14         </code></pre>
 15          */
 16         toCamel               : function(str) {
 17             return str.replace(/-(.)/g, function(m, l) {
 18                 return l.toUpperCase();
 19             });
 20         },
 22         /**
 23          * @deprecated v1.02: Too long a name, replaced by
 24          * {@link Jelo.Format.toCamel}
 25          */
 26         hyphenatedToCamelCase : function(str) {
 27             return Jelo.Format.toCamel(str);
 28         },
 30         /**
 31          * Mainly used by internal Jelo functions. If a hash 
 32          * mark (#) appears at the beginning of the string, it 
 33          * will be stripped.
 34          * 
 35          * @param {String} hex A value such as "#0080FF"
 36          * @returns {String} A value such as "0080FF"
 37          */
 38         cutHexHash            : function(h) {
 39             return (h.charAt(0) == "#") ? h.substring(1) : h;
 40         },
 41         /**
 42          * Returns the "red" value from a CSS-style hex string.
 43          * 
 44          * @param {String} hex A value such as "#9966CC"
 45          * @returns {String} For the above example, "99"
 46          */
 47         hexToR                : function(h) {
 48             return parseInt(Jelo.Format.cutHexHash(h).substring(0, 2), 16);
 49         },
 50         /**
 51          * Returns the "green" value from a CSS-style hex string.
 52          * 
 53          * @param {String} hex A value such as "#9966CC"
 54          * @returns {String} For the above example, "66"
 55          */
 56         hexToG                : function(h) {
 57             return parseInt(Jelo.Format.cutHexHash(h).substring(2, 4), 16);
 58         },
 59         /**
 60          * Returns the "blue" value from a CSS-style hex string.
 61          * 
 62          * @param {String} hex A value such as "#9966CC"
 63          * @returns {String} For the above example, "CC"
 64          */
 65         hexToB                : function(h) {
 66             return parseInt(Jelo.Format.cutHexHash(h).substring(4, 6), 16);
 67         },
 68         /**
 69          * Splits a CSS-style hex value into a array of Red, Green, and Blue values.
 70          * 
 71          * @param {String} hex A value such as "#9966CC"
 72          * @returns {Array} For the above example, ["99", "66", "CC"]
 73          */
 74         hexToRGB              : function(h) {
 75             var r = this.hexToR(h);
 76             var g = this.hexToG(h);
 77             var b = this.hexToB(h);
 78             return [r, g, b];
 79         },
 81         /**
 82          * Converts a CSS RGB string to an array of RGB values. Mainly useful to
 83          * internal Jelo functions.
 84          * 
 85          * @param {String} hex A value such as "rgb(0, 128, 255)"
 86          * @returns {Array} For the above example, [0, 128, 255]
 87          */
 88         rgbStringToArray      : function(s) {
 89             if (s.isString) {
 90                 try {
 91                     var sub = s.split(/\D/g);
 92                     var sub2 = [];
 93                     for (var i = 0; i < sub.length; i++) {
 94                         if (sub[i]) {
 95                             sub2[sub2.length] = parseInt(sub[i], 10);
 96                         }
 97                     }
 98                     return sub2;
 99                 } catch (e) {
100                     throw new Error("Jelo.Format.rgbStringToArray: Invalid input " + s);
101                 }
102             } else {
103                 return [];
104             }
105         },
107         /**
108          * Converts a CSS RGB string to a CSS hex string. Mainly useful to
109          * internal Jelo functions.
110          * 
111          * @param {String} hex A value such as "rgb(0, 128, 255)"
112          * @returns {Array} For the above example, "#0080FF"
113          */
114         rgbToHex              : function(s) {
115             if (s.isString) {
116                 try {
117                     function toHex(n) {
118                         var chr = "0123456789ABCDEF";
119                         if (n === null) {
120                             return "00";
121                         }
122                         n = parseInt(n, 10);
123                         if (isNaN(n) || !n) {
124                             return "00";
125                         }
126                         n = Math.max(0, n);
127                         n = Math.min(n, 255);
128                         n = Math.round(n);
129                         return chr.charAt((n - n % 16) / 16) + chr.charAt(n % 16);
130                     }
131                     var a = Jelo.Format.rgbStringToArray(s);
132                     return "#" + toHex(a[0]) + toHex(a[1]) + toHex(a[2]);
133                 } catch (e) {
134                     throw new Error("Jelo.Format.rgbStringToHex: Invalid input " + s);
135                 }
136             }
137         },
139         /**
140          * Port of http://php.net/urldecode by http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net
141          * 
142          * @see <a href="http://php.net/urldecode">PHP documentation</a>
143          * @see <a href="http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net">Original port</a>
144          * @param {String} str
145          * @returns {String}
146          */
147         urldecode             : function(str) {
148             var /* histogram */h = {};
149             var ret = str.toString();
150             function rep(s, r, str) {
151                 var tmp_arr = [];
152                 tmp_arr = str.split(s);
153                 return tmp_arr.join(r);
154             }
155             h["'"] = '%27';
156             h['('] = '%28';
157             h[')'] = '%29';
158             h['*'] = '%2A';
159             h['~'] = '%7E';
160             h['!'] = '%21';
161             h['%20'] = '+';
162             for (var r in h) {
163                 if (h.hasOwnProperty(s)) {
164                     s = h[r]; // Switch order when decoding
165                     ret = rep(s, r, ret); // Custom replace. No regexing   
166                 }
167             }
168             return decodeURIComponent(ret);
169         },
171         /**
172          * Port of http://php.net/urlencode by http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net
173          * 
174          * @see <a href="http://php.net/urldecode">PHP documentation</a>
175          * @see <a href="http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net">Original port</a>
176          * @param {String} str
177          * @returns {String}
178          */
179         urlencode             : function(str) {
180             var /* histogram */h = {}, tmp_arr = [];
181             var ret = str.toString();
182             function rep(s, r, str) {
183                 var tmp_arr = [];
184                 tmp_arr = str.split(s);
185                 return tmp_arr.join(r);
186             }
187             h["'"] = '%27';
188             h['('] = '%28';
189             h[')'] = '%29';
190             h['*'] = '%2A';
191             h['~'] = '%7E';
192             h['!'] = '%21';
193             h['%20'] = '+';
194             ret = encodeURIComponent(ret);
195             for (var s in h) {
196                 if (h.hasOwnProperty(s)) {
197                     r = h[s]; // Switch order when encoding
198                     ret = rep(s, r, ret); // Custom replace. No regexing
199                 }
200             }
201             return ret.replace(/(\%([a-z0-9]{2}))/g, function(full, m1, m2) {
202                 return "%" + m2.toUpperCase();
203             });
204         },
206         /**
207          * Alias for {@link Jelo.Format.urldecode}
208          */
209         urlDecode             : function(str) {
210             return Jelo.Format.urldecode(str);
211         },
213         /**
214          * Alias for {@link Jelo.Format.urlencode}
215          */
216         urlEncode             : function(str) {
217             return Jelo.Format.urlencode(str);
218         },
220         /**
221          * Converts a valid JSON string to a native Object.
222          * 
223          * @param {String} json A JSON-encoded string, e.g. '{ name : "John", age: "28" }'
224          * @returns {Object} The object represented by valid input, or {} for invalid input.
225          */
226         fromJSON              : function(str) {
227             try {
228                 var crockford = /[^,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]/;
229                 var replace = /"(\\.|[^"\\])*"/g;
230                 return !(crockford.test(o.replace(replace, ''))) && eval('(' + o + ')');
231             } catch (e) {
232                 return {};
233             }
234         }
235     };
236 }();